

rhobaAIR® 307 LFG

Old productname: RHOBA ALTIA O201

Low foaming, multi-functional, highly concentrated liquid cleaning concentrate. Can be used in aircraft parts cleaning as an immersion, spray, and high-pressure cleaner.

  • Properties
  • Application
  • Concentration determination
  • Technical Data
  • Note
  • Low-foaming and multifunctional in application
  • highly concentrated and therefore very efficient 
  • removes stubborn dirt such as grease, oil, soot, environmental dirt, etc.
  • suitable for steel, non-ferrous metals and aluminium

The product is diluted with water depending on the application and the degree of soiling. Optimum effect is achieved at a pH value between 10.0 and 11.5. The product can also be used for neutralisation after the application of acidic paint stripping products. To do this, first remove all dissolved paint residues from the surface with a brush and then spray the surface with water. Then the product is sprayed on at 3 - 5 % by volume to neutralise it. After a short exposure time, rinse with fresh water.

Application Concentration  Temperature   Working time
Immersion bath 10 - 50 Vol. % 50 - 70 °C 5 - 30 min.
Spray and ultrasound 3 - 15 Vol. % 50 - 70 °C 5 - 15 min.
Steam and high-pressure cleaning 1 - 4 Vol. % > 50 °C as required
manually 5 - 10 Vol. % < 50 °C as required

Put 10 ml of the bath liquid of rhobaAIR 307 LFG to be tested into a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask. Add 50 ml distilled water and 5 - 10 drops of methyl orange. Titrate with 0.1 molar hydrochloric acid until the colour change point from yellow to red. 

Calculation: Consumption in ml x 1.36 = % Vol. rhobaAIR 307 LFG If the pH-value and the concentration are within the given values, but the cleaning effect is no longer sufficient, the cleaning bath is exhausted and should be changed.

Appearance clear yellow/brownish liquid
Density at 20 °C approx. 1.17 g/ml

Before use, check material compatibility on an inconspicuous spot. Follow the manufacturer's cleaning and care instructions! No liability can be accepted for improper use and resulting damage